
“5 Steps to Creating Your Millionaire Mindset”


keep-it-calm-5-tip-to-stop-yelling1If I asked you what the one thing holding you back from being a millionaire is, what would you say? If you answered, “debt” or “not enough income” or “my family isn’t wealthy”, you’ve created money blocks in your life that are working against you. Our mind is the most powerful tool we have in shaping who we are, what we achieve, and the amount of money we attract into our lives. I didn’t see dramatic business growth until I trained my thoughts to do some of the work for me. Here are 5 steps you can follow to create a millionaire mindset.


Step 1.  Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

When we are grateful for the things, people, and experiences in our lives, we move ourselves into a space of positivity. In turn, more good things come our way. Each morning, before I get out of bed, I say thank you to the universe and think of at least one thing I am grateful for. You will probably find that once you start your list will grow. Even during the most challenging times, there are little things to be grateful for—an article that made you think, a joke that made you laugh, or a favorite sweater that kept you warm. When you start the day in this headspace, it will attract more of the things you are grateful for. Being thankful for your first $5 sale eventually leads to being thankful for a $500 sale, and so on.


Step 2. Click Your Heels

In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy always had the power to go home, she just needed to believe she could and recite her affirmation, “there’s no place like home”. The same strategy applies to growing your business. I use daily affirmations to set my intention for how much income I want to make each month. You can recite, write, or think your affirmations throughout the day. Before long, this process will become habit and you will ensure that your subconscious is thinking about your success even while you are busy putting the kids to bed.


Step 3. Visualize Success

Visualization is a technique used by athletes, public speakers, and CEOs alike. I practice visualization before starting a new project. Let’s pretend you have a book launch event coming up. Picture the suit you will wear, the faces in the crowd, and how you will deliver your speech. Picture wild applause when you are done speaking, and long lines of people buying your book and asking for an autograph. Visualize the positive reviews your book receives and your target number of sales. Really feel it, believe it, and celebrate it. What you just did was create a road map for your brain. You imagined your best scenario and are headed toward it. If you feel yourself slipping into thoughts of self-doubt, take a few moments to visualize your success.


Step 4. Write a One-Item To-Do List

Each morning before I read my email, I decide what my one most important task is for the day. Sure there are 100 other things competing with it in my brain, but by setting my intention to complete the most important, I ensure that I am doing at least one thing each day that takes my small business to the next level. I’m not suggesting you forgo the little things entirely, but make sure you prioritize. When you run your day this way, you may find there are small tasks that never make the cut. Evaluate them to see if they are something you can outsource—or if they should come off the list completely!


Step 5. Do Well by Doing Good

The best part about developing a millionaire mindset is that it not only helps you, it helps others. Before the day is over, I make sure that I have helped at least one person. It might be as simple as an email offering encouragement, sharing knowledge, or alerting someone of an opportunity they may benefit from. In fact, this is how some of my best clients came into my life. Helping others isn’t always convenient. However, if you view it as a way to build relationships, improve your karma, and fill your sales pipeline, it’s a practice you can’t afford NOT to incorporate into your everyday routine. Go ahead, pay it forward!


So, before you look at the world around you to improve your financial situation, turn inward. Let me know how YOU create your millionaire mindset in the comments below!

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